Most of us don’t like being told how to spend our money, and every month we have bills and obligations we must manage to remain in “good” financial standing, but wouldn’t we be in better standings if our money was working FOR us?

When we invest in ourselves and use our income to increase our strengths to move us closer to our goals, we CAN create the opportunity to LIVE WELLthy™.

Maybe you feel like you make a decent amount of money, but the additional spending on restaurants, clothes, and that trip to Target now has you questioning where all that extra cash went…

I get it!

I’ve been there.

When I was earning almost $500,000, I still felt broke. I had no idea how I was blowing through that kind of income, but WORSE than that, I felt like I had nothing to show for it, and I feared I would never have enough. As a Certified Financial Planner®  I was seeing this in my own life as much as in my client’s lives. That’s when I realized, it wasn’t about how MUCH money we have, but HOW we use it. I wasn’t spending intentionally, so my income wasn’t benefiting my life like it could have been.

So how can we create a balance in our spending to allow for the necessities AND build in an area for “guilt-free spending”?

It all begins with our core values – the top 5 areas of our lives we value above all else.

When we live in alignment with our core values, our decisions and our lifestyles can begin to shift, and our spending can become purposeful! This won’t only reflect in the bank; our confidence will get the boost needed to start intentionally going after everything we desire or dream of!

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What are my core values? (Write them down and keep them somewhere you’ll see them often!)
  • What do my core values truly mean to me? (Why are they important and what impact do they have on my life?)
  • Am I spending money in relation to my core values? (If not, where do I need to adjust my spending?)

You work hard for your money. And at the end of the day, your income should be working just as hard for you.

Guilt, shame, or embarrassment connected to our spending doesn’t serve us, but having a healthy relationship with our money does!

No matter where you are on your WELLth™ journey, learning to OWN YOUR WORTH can be a huge tipping point in your life!

Whether you are already a current Relevé client*, or you are new to us, check out OWN IT to see how people just like you are learning to truly LIVE WELLthy™.

*Relevé clients may access any of our online courses at no additional charge.

Hi there, I’m Dawn!
CEO, Founding Partner | Wealth Wellness Expert, CFP®, and BFA™ | Best Selling Author | It is my mission to help you think differently about your wealth so you can LIVE WELLthy™ today and tomorrow!


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