Life is hard. It can feel overwhelming and downright impossible on some days. You work hard. You take care of family. You’re doing everything you can to prepare for the future. So how can we ever know if we are actually on the right path?

The short answer is, we may never really know. But we can hedge our bets by knowing and living in our strengths, aligning our lives with our core values, and by putting well thought out life and financial plans in place.

Life will present situations we don’t expect, but how we keep moving forward, adapt and overcome challenges will determine our success in chasing after the things we truly want in life.

One of the most difficult parts of evaluating our path is differentiating between our own goals and the influence of others around us. Trying to live up to a life that someone else has dreamed of can leave us with self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

So we need to get honest and ask ourselves:

  • Are we on our own path, or someone else’s?
  • Are we putting pressure on ourselves to achieve goals outside of our own purpose?
  • Do we find ourselves making poor decisions trying to “keep up” with someone else’s highlight reel?

It’s easy to get off track if we are focused on the wrong things.

We can find ourselves overspending to make us “look” like we belong, or thinking we may want a new house or a new car to “prove” to others we’re doing well, but in reality, those things can leave us feeling empty and even more alone because they’re not aligned with our own personal values.

When we focus on things that don’t actually matter to us personally, we lose our sense of self. It’s only when we pursue our own purpose and align our lives and decisions with our own core values that we can create a fulfilling life – one absent of comparison and financial imbalances.

Intentionally pursuing our OWN purpose is powerful!

  • Our confidence increases with the life and financial decisions we are making.
  • We become better equipped to deal with life’s challenges.
  • Life becomes more meaningful.

Dealing with our finances can be incredibly stressful, but even more so when we go at it alone. Speaking with a Certified Financial Planner® can help us put the right plans in place, free up more time and maximize the money we are working so hard for.

So much of the worry we have about whether we are on the right path or not is tied to our finances. Ensuring we have the right plans in place can be an incredible stress reliever.

Wealth management along with personal development can cultivate an even stronger sense of self awareness and appreciation, and in doing so, discovering the right path can become more obvious.


Hi there, I’m Dawn!
CEO, Founding Partner | Wealth Wellness Expert, CFP®, and BFA™ | Best Selling Author | It is my mission to help you think differently about your wealth so you can LIVE WELLthy™ today and tomorrow!


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