We’ve all heard that we are the sum of the 5 people we are closest to us.

But how often do we evaluate who we are actually spending time with?

The support systems we put in place at home, at work, and socially create an impact on our lives whether we are aware of it or not. The people who are closest to us can make a significant difference in our rate of progress and success in our lives. And they can greatly influence our wealth and worth journey.

Surrounding ourselves with people who inspire us to BE MORE, DO MORE, and DREAM MORE, can help us break free from feelings of self-doubt and fear. With positive influence and support, our goals can become more and more achievable, our dreams can become closer to reality, and our worth can begin to fully take shape.

Money flows where your self-worth goes.

Those we welcome into our inner circle should be invested in our success, be willing to share new thoughts or ideas, and be ready to lift us up when we fall.

Jim Rohn says, “Invest in them and they’ll invest in you.” Life is too short to surround ourselves with the wrong people.


  • Their motivations should be selfless – they should want success for you no matter what, and their personal wins or losses shouldn’t play a factor into your own.
  • They should have some understanding of your long-term goals – to best support your current steps, they need to know what the big goal is.
  • They should be honest without being critical – their ability to point out areas of improvement shouldn’t leave you feeling discouraged, but rather motivated and inspired.

As we work on ourselves, our careers, and our dreams, we need to be willing to openly communicate what is serving us and what is not. Taking an honest look at our circle of influence is an act of self-care and can be the tipping point to get us to the next level.

Ask yourself who comes to mind when you think of who:

  • Inspires or teaches you the most.
  • Gives you the biggest boost in energy.
  • Asks you about your life and your dreams.
  • You have the most fun with.

THESE are the people you want to spend the most time with!

We tend to find more success in our journey when we are surrounded with like-minded individuals who share the same values and look for ways to lift each other up. One of the best things we can do is to stop comparing and start collaborating – step into our worth and ensure our circle is one that encourages us to grow.

If you’re missing the support you need or crave additional accountability as you continue on your WELLth™ journey, join our LIVE WELLthy™ community! We can’t wait to personally cheer you on as you make progress toward your personal and financial goals!

Hi there, I’m Dawn!
CEO, Founding Partner | Wealth Wellness Expert, CFP®, and BFA™ | Best Selling Author | It is my mission to help you think differently about your wealth so you can LIVE WELLthy™ today and tomorrow!


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