Has there ever been a time that something didn’t go as planned, and you found yourself feeling discouraged, unmotivated, or downright sad? It may have deterred you from wishing, dreaming, or envisioning bigger things for the future, but a having a clearly defined vision can serve as great hope, and can impact daily choices to keep you on track when faced with the unexpected.

Creating a vision starts with time and reflection.

An honest look at where we are today and where we desire to be in the future – in all aspects of our lives: health and fitness, relationships, career and retirement, lifestyle and finances – and ensuring we are in alignment with our core values.

And it’s not the time to sell ourselves short! Our lives are only limited by what we believe is possible. So, DREAM BIG!

A vision should include our values, strengths, and personal dreams. It should take time to craft and should be adaptable to allow for life changes in the future, but it should also be motivational and inspirational. A vision that doesn’t spark excitement isn’t big enough!

Once you’ve got a general idea for your life vision, it’s time to start planning.

Dreams are fantastic and turning that into your life vision is powerful. Taking action to bring it all to life is priceless.

  • Identify short and long-term goals with realistic timelines.
  • Implement a financial plan that supports your vision and your goals so they can be achieved.
  • Share your vision and your plans with someone you trust who can help keep you accountable.

Life’s unpredictability and ever-changing nature can bring about feelings of anxiety and hesitation, but the best way to prepare for uncertainty is to have the plans in place to enable us to continue to fight for the goals and dreams we’ve identified for our lives.

As days pass, it can be easy to get distracted by the multitude of responsibilities we all face and it’s even easier to get discouraged by setbacks, but it’s important to refocus and prioritize our vision to stay on track with our plans.

Without a clear life vision, it would be really difficult to implement financial plans that make sense. And without strategic action, our vision and our finances can get lost in the shuffle.

Keeping our vision top of mind can serve as the compass needed to drive our life, and financial success.

Hi there, I’m Dawn!
CEO, Founding Partner | Wealth Wellness Expert, CFP®, and BFA™ | Best Selling Author | It is my mission to help you think differently about your wealth so you can LIVE WELLthy™ today and tomorrow!


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